Albany Tutoring is using Schoolifed to provide a more comprehensive learning program for our online tutoring offering.
Schoolifed provides many benefits over MS Teams and Zoom and is a custom-built program designed for tutors and online learning. We are confident this will cause an improved online learning experience for your child. We are moving over to it in term 4, 2022. No need to install programs or similar, just follow the link from your teacher and join us on Schoolified.
It’s got so many great features that will really help online learning come alive for our young people including:
✔︎ Whiteboard
✔ Attach files
✔ Screen sharing
✔ Live tests & quizzes
✔︎ Assignments
For the first session, we will do 70 minutes instead of the regular 60 minutes to ensure students are fine with the functionality of the program.