Develop strategies for taking notes - Albany Tutoring

It’s essential to follow some simple strategies to improve your ability to take notes. While the examiner may ask questions requiring you to use a definition from the textbook or reading material, most of the questions in lower high school will be phrased so that if you can explain it in your own words with evidence, you will have answered correctly.

Second, after identifying key points from each sentence, then a paragraph of text being read as part of an essay question, make sure you understand exactly what they mean by asking yourself, ‘Why do they matter?’ If possible, try paraphrasing these points into another sentence so that there is no doubt about your understanding of them before moving on to reviewing other parts of the passage or text.

When taking notes during a multiple choice test or an essay exam, ensure all information is clear enough for someone else who has not read through it before and understands clearly what was just written! This includes underlining or highlighting key points and writing down any important quotes that may need referencing later on when composing answers within essay prompts given by examiners during assessment periods throughout semester exams.